
All posts tagged parenting

pretty little thing

Published November 21, 2011 by crystalights

i had a great time with those kids ysterday

makes me feel like children are always bearable (at some point, after you get used to them)


do you know that kind of feeling

when you see them get hurt and they cry

and you carry them and put their head on your shoulder

you let them cry there on your arms and they did

they followed your lead

and so you say it will stop hurting soon

and then you lay them down and put them to sleep

i saw her pretty little left cheek turn red because of that little mishap

and i felt bad that i was there when it happened but i wasn’t fast enough to stop it


and so she let me fix her hair

shift her pillows

and pat her as she closes her pretty little eyes

and i find myself thinking

isn’t this a great blessing from god

that this child was brought into the world

and grew into this beautiful, strong-headed young girl 

and i get to see her eyes twitch as she falls asleep




it wasn’t easy when people are born into the world

anything could have happened from the moment you’re conceived to the moment you breathe


finally you are born

do you realize how big a gift it is to be able to see, feel and breathe like this?

and to be able to see other people see, feel, and breathe (just like you).


sometimes even when i breathe

i forget that i’m breathing


and when i’m sleeping

i might not realize that i’m not awake


we may not always remember the good things that we have been blessed with


so ysterday’s time with those children

was amazing and very heart-opening



for the opportunity

and this feeling

the story of loyalty. duty. and priority.

Published January 27, 2011 by crystalights


once upon a time there was a guy.

i say he’s a guy because i think it takes more than that for a person to be a man.

but he’s definitely not a boy, so yeah, he’s a guy.


he grew up as a street-smart guy. the kind who kinda knows everything there is to know about things.

and so life was good. he had a job, some opportunities to develop and grow, end up in great places, and got married to the one he wanted to marry. (although she didn’t).


(she didn’t get married to the one she wanted to marry. because he wasn’t the one she wanted. to marry).

but he married her anyway and so yeah, at least he got what he wanted in the end.


and then they had children.

lots of them.

and the children grew up.

and so now he has an up-sized family.

he has a wife and children who prays for him. watch his back. clean up his mess. fix his problems. listen to his shit.

while his children are growing older, they can’t fit into small cars anymore, and the food and utility bills are a little straining, but hey, it seems they managed themselves pretty well. 

they don’t demand for things, they don’t always ask for money when it’s unnecessary, they don’t even wonder aloud “why can’t i have what my friends have?”

they studied hard, performed at least above the average line, and they don’t really go out and stray. they listened well and they knew that they couldn’t just walk out and be a kid and chill and hang out and spend money and grow through adolescents like any other unhampered young child.

because they know the kind of situation they are in and honestly the family can’t afford that.

because they know how difficult it would be for the family (for their parents) if they just lived selfishly and recklessly.

because these children know what loyalty is.

they know where their priorities lie.

and it’s in the family.


that guy, who’s the father of these children soon became older and wearier.

he could have just been an older and wearier but happier man, but he wasn’t.

apparently to him, having a good family who looks after you and looks out for you isn’t enough.

he didn’t feel happy having a financial strain. he didn’t act like he was happy. didn’t even pretend that he was happy. that he has them. 

his actions show that the valuable people that makes up a family and a home, his home, his team, his pack, was not worth the financial strain. at all.

he wants to be able to spend less on them and have more comfort for himself.

he wants to be able to have more than enough money but not having to actually work more than what he’s done for it. which is basically, not that much.

he who used to do more a few years back, became someone who wanted to do less and less but still wanting so much more in return.

but since that seemed nearly impossible, he began to shift the blame and burden to his children.

that they should have used less and spent less so that he doesn’t have to pay more.

it’s like tying your feet and binding them tight so that they won’t grow out of their initial size for you to have small feet forever.

of course some people can live with that.

but some people don’t.



and when things are at the apex of a collision,

no one knows who or what can save this family from the point of breaking down


so finally, the blame game became the obligation game.

the children has to become the pawns and do well so that the father can live well and have his own sweet comfort that he has been yearning for since years ago.

he wants to sit back and relax already, even when some of his children haven’t even finished school.

but like it has always been, he always somehow gets what he wanted in the end.

like i said, the children knew where their loyalties and priorities lie.

but their father didn’t.

he has yet to grasp the sense of loyalty, duty and responsibility for him to leave his search for comfort and put his children’s needs above his own.


so my question is:

are you the child or the father in this story?

or are you going to be the father in this story in your own distant future and let your children suffer the consequences of your self-centredness?

are you willing to give away the search for your own self comfort in exchange to the happiness and fulfillment in seeing how well you’ve raised your children?

what kind of parent do you want to be? what kind of parent will you be?

and what kind of child are you now?


marriage and family requires more than just love and adoration.

and when one of his children saw how cold the room is and how the father is sleeping on the main bed using the thickest blanket surrounded with the most pillows in the entire room filled with a few other children crawling and shivering and pulling and sharing with barely enough pillows on the floor with not even a mattress, somehow that child knew, that the family wasn’t as important as he was to himself.

that the father was just prioritizing what he feels is more important first, above all else, which is : himself.


me as a mommy

Published March 29, 2010 by crystalights


satu hari di halaman rumah kamu

aku yg dh siap2 m’nyapu halaman depan pun isi la air dlm penyiram bunga tu.

sambil2 menyiram pokok, tibe2 kamu dtg

dh mati dh ni. hbisla (saye) kene marah ngn umi.

kenape tak siram?

sebab nenek suruh kakak.


nenek tak cakap ape2 pun (ngn kakak).

tapi kakak (ni) siram la jugak.

tapi xxx yg ader kt rumah, xxx la yg patotnye siram.

keje kakak jage xxx, bukannye jage pokok ni

bukannye salah kakak klau pokok ni mati.

kakak slalu balik lambat, patutnye org yg balik awal la yg siram.

klau nak tnggu kakak je, mati la pokok ni.


sedap je mulut ni membebel..

skali toleh2 je, t’nampak nenek duduk kt ruang tamu.


rasenye nenek kamu tu ngn pak su kamu skali dh t’dengar kakak membebel.


sorry la nenek, tapi nak buat camane.

tak dapat tahan hati bile dgar org mcm nak menyalahkan saye psl hal2 yg bukan kerja/tanggungjawab saye.

dh la selamber gile org tu (hampir) setiap hari suruh saye buat. siap bagi instruction mesti sapu (daun2 kering dulu) ngan kene siram skali pokok yg seberang jalan tu lgi.

(mcm la pokok2 yg sedia ader ni tak ckup byk).

pokok2 kluarge nenek tu memang banyak.

(daun kalau sepetang gugur pun dh bleh berterabur sparuh halaman rumah).

saye ni dh la tak brape gemar bab2 berkebun/jage2 pokok ni.

pokok kt rumah saye sendiri pun saye tak siram. 

mak ngn ayah pun tak pnah sruh saye siram. (agknye sbb dh tahu perangai anak dier yg sorang ni).

pokok kaktus org hdiahkan pun pnah mati kt tgn saye.

aper la yg ader pada saye yg bleh slamatkan pokok2 rumah nenek ni.


sementare ni klau psl pokok2 tu stakat nak tolong2 gitu je saye tak kisah.

tapi klau ader yg mati jugak jgn la sesape salahkan saye.

saye m’mang tak pandai jage pokok.

(dh pnah try tapi tak berjaye).

lagi baik la jgn saye yg handle pokok ni.

kang t’lepas ckp lgi kang tak sedap hati plak yg mndengar. yg berckp ni pun tak sedap hati.

sorry la nenek.

(ceh. mcm la nenek ni bace blog).

insyaAllah saye akan blah cpt2 jadi nenek pun tak pyh terase hati ngn saye nanti.



kalau kamu ni adik aku, mungkin aku tak se “gentle” ni bile dgar kamu ckp2 mcm tu.

tapi ye la, kamu ni bukan nye adik aku.

dan adik aku (rasenye) bukan lah mcm kamu.

(sorry to say that).

memangla adik aku tu ade kepale batu sikit. (bukannye baik sgt).

tapi dier agak reti bahase jugakla bile aku ckp.

bile dgn kamu ni sume terase lain.

agaknye sbb aku ni memang ibu (sementare) yg teruk kot.

tak pandai jage anak (orang).

memangla aku masak siapkan makan pakai jage kebajikan & keselamatan kamu, tandatgn kad kemajuan kamu, siapkan bekalan, pergi temankan latihan taekwando kamu (dan akan dtg majlis penyampaian hdiah kamu) tapi aku still bukan seorg yg terbaik utk kamu.

you need a mother.

not me.

aku bukan yg terbaik as a mother figure.

aku nak marah pun tak smpai hati.

last2 aku ckp. tapi tak marah.

tapi ckp aku yg makan dalam tu kan menyakitkan hati.

aku ni kan sinis.

hati kering.

mcmane nk jadi a good mother figure to you?

you need a real mother.



aku ni memang hopeless.

jadi org gaji je la aku ni.
